Chancellor’s Chair in Social Entrepreneurship at UC Berkeley established in 2020
April 2, 2021
Renee Cowan
UC Berkeley Hass School of Business

In 2020, the D.K.Kim Foundation funded the Dong Koo Kim Chancellor’s Chair in Social Entrepreneurship at the University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business.
Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley
The funding will support two major endeavors at the Haas school of business. The first endeavor will fund support for an endowed Chancellor’s Chair and the other endeavor will fund a full-time Haas School of Business faculty position affiliated with the Blum Center for Developing Economies. https://blumcenter.berkeley.edu
Solene Delecourt was chosen to fill the role of the full-time faculty position. Her background and research focuses on inequality in business performance. Mr. Kim is confident she will do an exceptional job in researching, leading and inspiring Haas students to become influential and impactful social entrepreneurs. Solène Delecourt | Berkeley Haas
Dean Ann Harrison recently commented regarding the D.K. Kim Foundation’s contributions to the Haas School of Business, “Your thoughtfulness exponentially impacts the lives of others, and it is an honor to collaborate with you on making a difference through business and education.”